
Mayors are not above the Law or immune from the responsibility of holding high office. If you are found guilty of "Disreputable Actions whilst holding a High Public Office" you will be removed from office and the runner up will serve the remainder of your term. If there is no runner up Mayor, then the remaining term will continue without a mayor.

Disreputable Actions whilst holding a High Public Office

Only issuable on instruction by a senior Magistrate or Judge and can only be issued to Police leaders, AV Leaders, DCJ Leaders, Magistrates or Mayors. This charge is for any action that would be against the public interest whilst holding any office listed before including but not limited to corruption, being convicted of an indictable offence whilst holding the office this offence which must be heard by the same magistrate convicting them of this charge. Can also include if the high office holder has been deceptive to the public or their agents.

Impeachment Process

Criminal Impeachment

When a mayor commits an indictable offence, they are subject to impeachment. Once the mayor has been successfully convicted of an indictable offence in the court the Police may then follow up with a separate case pressing the Disreputable Actions whilst holding a High Public Office where the Police will be required to justify the charge and demonstrate they have met the requirements for Impeachment.

Council Impeachment

An absolute Majority of the City Council (2/3 of the council members) may petition the court to charge the Mayor with Disreputable Actions whilst holding a High Public Office. The council will need to contact a senior magistrate and nominate a prosecutor to represent the council. This case will need to be booked with both parties via the Sheriffs.

State Impeachment

In rare and extenuating circumstances, the State Government may impeach a mayor without the requirement of court oversight. This will only happen in cases where a mayor has received a staff action and staff have decided it is in the community's best interest if the mayor changes.

Deputy Mayors

Deputy Mayors are subject to all the same Impeachment mechanisms above.

Last updated