7. Metagaming

It is against server rules to metagame, if staff catch you metagaming you will be punished much more harshly than most other rule breaks regardless of your history so it is not really worth it.

Metagaming is the usage of any information your character has not found out in roleplay in the city. This could include watching a stream, using any form of discord communications instead of the in city radios or phones.

Being told something from another player without hearing it from their character. One key thing to note is that if you have multiple characters your characters can NEVER share information with each other at all. This includes using a third person to β€œsend” the information around.

Streaming to other players who are involved in the same roleplay will be actioned as metagaming by the staff team. You should not join a stream of a player you are in RP with (eg. A Twitch Stream) or you should avoid streaming to players who might be in the same RP (eg. A Discord Stream)

Combatting "Discord Duress"

In order to combat metagaming hostility anyone who logs in to the server after Hostility has already commenced is not permitted to join in. When in doubt you should refrain from joining in until a new scene or roleplay commences.

Last updated