16. Random Death Match

Random Death Match or RDM is when you initiate hostility with a player to kill them without engaging in sufficient prior roleplay. Killing should be your final option in escalation

Initiation and Verbal RP

Every hostile action must be preceded by substantial verbal or non-verbal roleplay interaction. Verbal initiation should be your first option however there are certain situations or events where non-verbal initiation can be relied on.

Examples of Verbal Initiation:

  • Telling a player to leave an area if they are presenting hostile and they do not comply.

Example of Non-Verbal Initiation:

  • Drop Events.

  • Spray Taking Initiating.

It's your responsibility.

Initiation before engaging is your responsibility you cannot assume someone has been initiated with because of the context. You can also not assume just because a player is a part of a group they have already been initiated with.

Last Resort

If you are deciding to kill to another player, you must consider if killing is your last option in roleplay. Staff will make the final call if your killing of the player was the last option based on the following:

  • Was the player being compliant with you?

  • Was the player not posing significant threat to you?

  • Did you give not sufficient direction to the player?

  • Would Kidnapping or Knocking out been more appropriate given the Roleplay?

  • Was there an opportunity to extend out the Roleplay instead of killing the player?

Staff may consider more than these questions depending on the context in which the player was killed. If the answer to most of these questions is No then killing was likely not your last resort.

Kill Montages

As a Roleplay server we do not encourage the over glorification of hostile Roleplay within our community. Whilst Hostile RP is a critical part of the game it should not held in higher regard than other forms of Roleplay.

Posting any kind of a kill montage in the NSRP discord will be considered a violation of the RDM rule. Posting it elsewhere may still impact your chances of whitelisting.

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