Leaders Roles and Responsibilities

Leader Expectations

Organisation Leaders should be role models in the Community and are expected to act above and beyond when it comes to Roleplay and the Community Guidelines.

Leaders should be Open and transparent with Staff regarding all matters of their Organisation. Any attempts to mislead staff or cover-up misconduct can see you removed from leadership immediately.


Primarily communication with staff for Org Leaders will be your dedicated discord channels. Split into Concerns and General. Reports and Complaints should be directed to concerns and all other communication should be left in general.

When raising a concern in these channels please be clear and concise. The more information provided the better staff can assist you.

Not all Reports should go into your concerns channel and can instead be raised a support ticket in the main discord. A good litmus test to understand if you should raise a ticket or Org Concern is as below

  • Does the report concern multiple Org Members?

  • Was the action / activity related to Organisation Goals?

  • Does it involve the Leader of another Organisation?

If you can answer yes to two or more of those chances are it's an Org Concern and not a ticket. If you are ever in doubt just raise an Org concern and staff can direct you accordingly.

Relaying Information

Org Leaders are responsible for real time relaying information to your Organisation. We recommend following the Organsiation Announcements Channels (see this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haRGJrGC2Pk ) to assist in announcements reaching your Org Members. Otherwise, you are required and expected to relay information from the staff team in a timely manner.

You're Responsible

If a member breaks a rule or does something wrong on behalf of the Organisation you are responsible and your Org may receive punishment (see Policy Enforcement). Anytime members of your Organisation act on behalf of your Org the leaders and the Organisation itself becomes responsible for the actions taken.

This also affects areas such as discords that are related to your Organisation or NewSpark.

If one of your members violates the policy and you are aware its best you communicate this to staff ASAP. If you are found to have been aware of a rule break and not reported it you will likely also receive a staff action.

Last updated