Hostility and Aggression

This policy covers all hostility rules that do not fall under other NSRP Policy the following policies may at times contradict or overrule something mentioned in these policies, in those cases you should follow those policies unless highlighted specifically to ignore them on this page.

Conflicting Policy:

Hostility Cap

Organization hostilities are capped at 15 members. This should be made up of members first, then supplemented with under-crew members where required.

Prolonged Aggression / Hostility

Hostility that extends beyond multiple days (3) should be moved into a war. If hostility is prolonged and not resolved in a timely manner, staff may give a warning to wrap it up and conclude it, or you may be required to go to war.


When engaging in hostile activities, factions and organizations must be in uniformity, meaning they should be clearly identifiable as the same group. This does not require wearing unique clothing or specific colors, but members should wear matching outfits that make them easily recognizable.

  • During active hostile periods, especially when taking or defending sprays, ensure all members are in uniformity.

  • Take a few minutes at the start of your night to ensure that everyone is clearly identifiable.

Primary Clothing:

  • Select a primary piece of clothing, such as a jacket or vest, to ensure uniformity.

  • Accessories alone (such as glasses, rags, or shoelaces) are insufficient.

What Does Not Count as Uniformity:

  • Blacked-out clothing with a single coloured accessory does not meet the uniformity standard.

Hostility Guidelines

Be Respectful

Respecting reasonable hostility norms is essential for maintaining a balanced and fair environment within the server. Hostile actions should have clear, legitimate reasons rooted in ongoing storylines or conflicts, avoiding random or baseless hostility.

Be Proportionate

Responses must be proportionate and should prioritize roleplay over combat, using hostility as a tool to advance storylines and character development. Organizations should explore alternative conflict resolution methods, such as negotiations or alliances, before resorting to violence.

Be Considerate

Excessive hostility can disrupt server balance and discourage participation, so actions must consider the broader impact on the server dynamics and avoid involving or harming non-combatants. Clear warnings and opportunities for de-escalation should be provided, and any rule breaches or excessive hostility should be documented and reported to the staff team.

Be Accountable

Organisation Members at any time represent their Organisation and as such any aggression or hostility should be expected to be dealt with by sides you are directing at. This means if one member acts aggressively to an Organisation you can expect it to impact your Organisation as a whole.

Be Smart

Keep records of significant hostile interactions and report any rule breaches or excessive hostility to the staff team. By adhering to these hostility norms, organizations can help maintain a healthy and enjoyable roleplay environment. It is crucial to balance aggression with creativity, ensuring that all players have a positive and immersive experience on the server.

Last updated