
1. Your Crew, Your Responsibility

As a Crew Leader, it is your responsibility to ensure your Crew operates within the community guidelines. You are accountable not only for your actions but also for the actions of your Crew members when acting in the capacity of the Crew. It is imperative that all Crew Leaders embrace this responsibility to maintain a positive and respectful environment for all community members.

As the Crew Leader you must ensure all Crew Names, Uniforms etc follow our community Guidelines.

2. Crew Removals

Crew Leaders and Members who are found to be breaking the rules may have their crew removed from NSRP. This may also prevent you being able to run crews in the future. In addition, if your crew is found consistently providing poor roleplay and not following community guidelines.

3. Restricted Roles

Crew Members cannot be a member of another crew. Crew Leaders cannot lead a crew and also hold a leadership position in any whitelisted job role.

4. Crew Outlaws

At Police Leadership Discretion your Crew may be outlawed and placed on suspension for a week and your Crews roleplay will be reviewed to ensure no further staff action is required.

5. Crew Turf

Crews may find a location to hangout however this location must be already be vacant and should not be in another Organisations / Factions Turf without their permission. You may use markers to identify this area as your location and it should be limited to one building. If a Faction or Organisation presses you to move your turf you should consider doing so before trying to defend it with Hostility. If staff direct you to find another location for your turf your must do so.

6. Respect the Heirachy

In the Criminal world being a crew is a step up from being a solo criminal however you should not overstep your role. Factions and even more so Organisations will outnumber and overpower you if you try to challenge them. It is not against the rules to get into Hostility with these groups however you should only do so after serious consideration of the roleplay impact. Any unnecessary hostility with larger groups may see you receive staff action for Fail Fear.

Last updated