1. Respect the community

Don’t harass, bully or intimidate anyone else on the server. You are here to have fun, if you cannot have fun without ruining someone else’s fun you do not belong here. If a member of the CAT or Staff Teams notify you that you have broken a rule accept it and move on. Arguing on the spot will only see your punishment increased. Once you have had some time to think about it you can submit an appeal on the forums if you think that is the correct course of action. If you fail to respect a staff member you will be permanently banned from the server.

No Harassment, Bullying, or Intimidation

Keep the bad vibes away. If you're caught harassing or intimidating others out of character, you're out.

Examples: Sending constant, unwanted DMs; spreading rumours; making hateful comments.

Accepting Rule Enforcement

When a CAT or Staff Team member tells you that you've broken a rule, take it on the chin. Don't argue; it'll make things worse.

Examples: Yelling at staff when called out, using offensive language to challenge a rule enforcement.

Right to Appeal

If you think you've been wrongly accused, don't argue on the spot. Take a breath, think it over, and then you can appeal on the forums.

Respect for Staff

Our staff make this place run smoothly. Fail to treat them with respect, and you're looking at a permanent ban.

Examples: Talking back, ignoring warnings, mocking decisions.

Additional Categories to Consider

  • Language and Content: Watch your language and the content you share. No explicit or inappropriate stuff.

  • Personal Boundaries: We're all friends here, but that doesn't mean everyone's comfortable with the same things. Keep personal boundaries in mind.

  • No Doxing or Sharing Personal Info: This is a big one. Sharing personal information without consent will not be tolerated.

Last updated