11. Valuing your Life (Fear RP)

You need to give value to your character's life, while you may want your character to be fearless in all situations NSRP does not permit this kind of roleplay.

Valuing your life is where you take similar caution in game to preserve your life from threats or hazardous situations

There may be exemptions to this granted by staff to specific organisations which are allowed to flee instead of allow themselves (or their equipment) to be captured depending on the situation.

This will be clearly communicated by staff if it is the case. Please ask staff before you assume you have an exemption as that will not be accepted as an excuse.


  • Checking left and right before crossing a road

  • Not walking directly into the path of a speeding vehicle

  • Avoiding an area where a shootout is occurring

  • Surrendering if a gun is drawn on you and you have no weapon drawn

  • Not purposefully ramming your car into walls

  • Not purposefully jumping off cliffs or large buildings (claiming you are a daredevil is not an acceptable excuse).

Events including Drops do allow you to ignore this rule for the sake of the objective. This should be kept to the zone of the event and the rule will apply once the event is over or you leave the area.

Consequences within roleplay may also occur where you don't fear for your life and if these consequences reasonably lead to your death by another person, this would not be random death match.

Last updated