Server Services Interactions

Emergency Services

Organizations are never permitted to engage in hostilities with active Ambulance or Fire Services.

Police Interactions

Avoid Negative Impact

Organizations should not aim to hinder police resources to the extent that it negatively affects the server. Ensure that police remain largely unaware of your organized crime activities. Excessive attention from police can lead to severe consequences for your organization.

Limited Hostile Engagements

Hostile engagements with police should be few and far between, primarily occurring as a result of scripted crimes such as bank or store robberies. Focus on completing your objectives quickly and efficiently. Prolonged engagements or hunting down police officers will escalate the situation unnecessarily and draw unwanted attention.


To de-escalate hostile situations, return to your compound peacefully. Police have strict conditions for entering compounds without a warrant, providing a safe retreat for your organization.

Macro Engagements

Recognize that police will always have the upper hand in large-scale engagements (macro engagements). Attempting to 'beat' the police in these scenarios is futile and detrimental to the server's balance and your Organisations health.

Killing as a Last Resort

Killing police officers should be the last option. Always allow opponents the opportunity to surrender and avoid unnecessary killings to maintain a fair and immersive roleplay environment.

Impact on Civilian Businesses

Minimize Disruption

Organizations must avoid activities that significantly impact civilian businesses or ongoing events. While incidental occurrences may happen, intentional disruptions that lead to event cancellations or business closures are not permitted. Criminal activities should be planned and executed in a manner that minimizes interference with the day-to-day operations of civilian businesses.

Starting Hostility at a Business is not permitted. You should not attempt to use Businesses as a safe haven (use your compound) so if you aren't purchasing or working at a business then you must move on to prevent hostility. Similarly if you find a hostile target at a business you must wait for them to leave to continue any hostility with them.


It is the responsibility of each organization to ensure their actions do not create a hostile environment that forces businesses to shut down or events to be cancelled. When planning hostile activities, consider the location and potential impact on nearby civilian operations. Choose locations and times that reduce the likelihood of major disruptions. Be mindful of the broader server environment and strive to maintain a balance that allows both criminal and civilian roleplay to thrive without undue interference.

Last updated