6. Breaking Character / Fail Roleplay

đŸŠč Breaking Character

Unless you are talking to staff and staff have made it clear the situation is out of character you are not permitted to talk out of character in the city. If a staff member hears this, regardless of context they can punish you under this rule.

⛔ Fail Roleplay (FailRP)

You are expected to have and maintain a character whilst in Roleplay. This means you should respect the limitations and context that your character is in by responding to them in Roleplay. Acting invincible, ignoring threats / injuries and highly unrealistic interactions will be met with action from staff.

Roleplay does not stop because you are AFK if you decide to leave your computer whilst in the server expect that your character can be interacted with as if you were there to avoid any unwanted consequences you should log out and log back in when you are ready to continue roleplaying.

Last updated