Membership and Structure

Maximum Members

Each Organisation is limited to 20 Members. You may also have a crew of 6 Additional Members.

Crew Tablet and Job Role

All members must be both registered on the Job Role and the Tablet. One member (typically 2IC) is permitted to operate the Crew as a leader on the tablet. This should mean your main Org Tablet has 19 Members and your Crew tablet has 7, 6 of which are the Crew Members.

Age Requirement

All members must meet maturity requirements perscribed in the Community Guidelines 4. Age Restrictions. In addition to this no member should be under the Age of 16 years old.

Member Conduct

Members with multiple yellow, red cards, or bans in the past 30 days may be asked by staff to be removed from the organization.

No more than 15 members (including Crew) may participate in hostile activities at once. Members must be in uniform and distinguishable during such activities.

Last updated