
Spray Fights

Declaring Intent

Hostile engagements over sprays should be approached with caution. Confirm targets before opening fire to avoid RDM (Random Deathmatch) violations.

Publicly announce to drivers and bystanders to leave the area during a spray conflict, making it clear that it is a hostile area and giving adequate warning to leave.

Once an spray has started to be scrubbed you are automatically considered hostile to the opposing group. Expect them to approach you and other members around you as active targets.

New Life Rule

If you die defending a spray, follow 5. New Life Rule even if a new text message comes through indicating the spray is being taken again. The only exception is if the rival organization attempts to take a spray at a completely different location. In this case, you can respond to defend the new location upon receiving a text message.

Serious Attempts

Each attempt to take a Spray should be a serious attempt to remove it. This means you are expected to reasonably believe that you have a high chance of taking the spray. Staff will determine if your attempts were genuine by reviewing how you engaged the spray i.e how many people protecting you with guns.

Sprays on Safe Havens

Placing a Spray on any location considered to be a Safe Haven permits players to be there for the purpose of removing that spray. If you place a Spray on the wall of your Org Compound expect other Orgs to ignore the rule requiring invitation to be there if they are removing the spray. This only permits legitimate attempts to remove the spray otherwise all Safe Haven rules apply.

Sprays on Public Buildings

Sprays placed on Public service locations such as Resturants, Service Stations, Town hall may be requested to be removed by the owner of the property or by the Mayor. In such cases the Owner or Mayor may instruct Victoria Police to remove the spray at their discretion.

Spray Placement

You may only use 1 vehicle to reach a position where you can place a spray. The Party truck and other specialty vehicles cannot be used.

Sprays must cover at least 80% of the surface you have sprayed them on or may be removed by staff.

Spray Protection and Job Role

You may not purchase Spray Protecting within 15mins of receiving the alert that spray is being taken.

Org Members are required to be on the job role at all times unless they are doing specific activities that require you to be on another job role. If you engage another Org you and your members should also be on the job role. Doing anything to get around the need to protect your sprays will be considered Power Gaming and it’s also poor sportsmanship.

Last updated