Applying for Faction

Requirements to be considered:

  • Cumulative 500hrs playtime in the past 30 Days (Across all Characters of each Crew Member)

  • No Members cards or Bans in the past 30 Days

  • No Leader cards or Bans in the past 60 Days

Preferred Applications with:

  • Whitelisted Leader

  • A Strong and Unique Branding / RP style

  • Maintains Consistent 7 Members

Application Status Meaning:

  • Under Review: Being Checked by Staff to ensure all requirements are met.

  • In Selection Pool: You have met the requirements and may be apart of a future faction intake*

  • Denied Application: Your Application has been denied and you need to resubmit after 30days

  • Approved Application: Your Application has been approved and Staff will reach out to you in order to go over the next steps

Being in the selection pool does not guarantee Approval, it means we have reviewed the application on its merits, and you are subject to approval. This may remain on your application for an extended period whilst we review your Roleplay and prepare a new faction intake.

Application Template

Crew Name: 
Crew Background / Backstory: 
How would you describe your style of Criminal Roleplay as a Faction: 
If successful, what roleplay would you bring to the server as a Faction: 
As a Faction leader please describe why you think the rules are important:
Do you have any Clips or Scenarios that show case your Factions roleplay well? If yes please share: 
Do you have any Logos / Branding of your Faction that you can share? If yes please share: 
Additional Comments / Notes

Application Template

Feel free to change this or do you what you want this is just a rough guide of what we are looking for

Last updated