10. Powergaming

Powergaming is when you use unrealistic forms of roleplay or refuse to roleplay in order to give yourself an advantage.

Similarly, manipulating or forcing others to commit power gaming offences themselves is also a violation of this rule.

Hostage taking

Police will not provide any kind of financial or other monetary advantage in exchange for hostage's lives (this includes supply of weapons). Hostages can however be exchanged for other leverage from the police think of things along the lines of preventing the police from entering a building.

Player Robbing

You cannot rob another player under any circumstances unless you have engaged in a prior RP nor can you rob them for the sole purpose of making money. Unless a player is downed you cannot rob for profit. Repeatedly robbing players solely to accumulate wealth, without adding any meaningful role-play value. This is also known as "chain robbing." Robbing should be viewed as a utility not a mechanic and by that we mean robbing is a tool you have to disarm, remove comms, view inventory for weapons etc. In addition to the break items feature you should only ever take someone’s gun, phone or radio if you intend to give it back.

Boot Rushing / Boot Checking

You cannot rush to steal items from someone's boot of their vehicle. This means that if someone unlocks their car you cannot instantly rush to the boot to steal items. You can steal items for vehicles that have been abandoned by another player.

Staff will be the final decider if an action was boot rushing. Leaving items in your vehicles as storage is at your own risk and not advised by the staff team.

Breaking Items

Breaking items can be used to disarm or prevent players from using certain items. To do this you can alt-eye (3rd eye) the target and break the items you choose with a compliant player.

Ignoring Environmental Context

Using third-person cameras to peek around corners or overhear conversations that your character should not realistically be aware of.

Forced Roleplay

Forcing a situation on another player without giving them a chance to respond. For example, instantly declaring them dead or arrested without roleplay to support it.

Emote Abuse

Using in-game emotes to dodge bullets or engage in other unrealistic scenarios that give you an unfair advantage during conflicts. You should not use Emotes to Pass through Walls or Objects.

Emotes in Hostile RP

When you are in the middle of an active shootout (you have shot at someone or have been shot at), you are only permitted to use the Q and CTRL keys. Outside of hostile roleplay, you're free to use emotes again.

Job Role Violations

Clocking on to a job role but ignoring the responsibilities and objectives of that role to gain an unfair advantage, such as not advertising (“hiding in the back”) your business while still benefiting from it.

Meta Advantages

Taking advantage of server mechanics in ways they were not intended for:

  • Taking shoes off during combat for the sole purpose of an advantage during combat

  • Holding Inventory open to prevent stealing or other Inventory functions.

Safe zones

There are areas on the map designated as safe zones (you cannot use weapons or attack in them). If you try and shoot into a safe zone to exploit this it will be considered a rule violation. So will trying to use a safe zone to harass others by running back into it to avoid the repercussions of your actions. Please exercise commonsense with these, failure to do so will see you punished by staff.

Last updated