5. New Life Rule

🧠 Memory Loss

If you are not revived by EMS (Ambulance Victoria, CFA) or a Field Hospital (Mass Casualty Tent) within 20mins of being downed then you cannot remember events leading to your death.

Whilst downed or until you are revived by one of the means in which you can remember, you cannot remember or use any information you obtained prior to going to down. For example, if the person who shot you is on the scene whilst you are downed you cannot identify that person to police as the person who shot you until you are revived.

You can also not obtain your memory from another person not directly involved in the scene. You should not seek revenge or any kind of other roleplay for roleplay scenarios you have memory loss for. Additionally, your character cannot assume why you were downed without sufficient evidence, you can be suspicious, but you are expected to explore further before taking any action.

Example of what you can remember when you have memory loss:

  • Who and where you were going to meet someone last if you were downed at a deal gone wrong.

  • That you and your group were rolling out to go and fight another group before you went down.

  • What injuries you sustained when you went down for example if you were shot you would be aware that you would be shot however not who shot you or how it happened.

💀 Hostility to Downed Bodies

If someone is downed that is the end of the roleplay with them. You cannot take further hostile actions towards them or to affect them in that scene. You cannot taunt or otherwise harass downed players. You can also not seek any further information out of the player once they are downed. You cannot rob them by any means other than /steal if it allows you to do so when they are downed.

🦸 Good Samaritan

The no hostility rule does not prevent you from being a good Samaritan to downed players by helping them get to a hospital or otherwise help them by locking their car for example. Nor does it mean that Police can't take you for treatment before processing you.

🔁 Returning to Scenes / Re-entering Roleplay

If you are downed and are either teleported to or transported to hospital during a roleplay you must not renter the area where your downing occurred until the current roleplay is over. In roleplay you can refer to this as your PTSD. If you accidentally interact with the same roleplay scene then you need to remove yourself from that roleplay as soon as possible. If you are revived on the scene of the roleplay and for whatever reason not transported to the hospital you must remove yourself from the roleplay regardless as soon as possible.

Examples of where you can return to a Roleplay:

  • In a fight with another party and the scene is completely over (eg everyone from one side died and respawned, Police have gathered all evidence and have left for processing.

  • The Roleplay has ended and another or the same party has reinitiated conflict after it has ended (eg. fighting over a spray and the spray has been defended but it is now being taken again. This does not apply if you failed to defend the spray initially as it is the same roleplay.)

  • If the Scene is still active but has moved to a different area, you can return to the area you were downed. (eg. You were downed in a Police pursuit however the pursuit has moved on you cannot rejoin the pursuit as it is the same scene however you can return to the area you were downed.)

Examples of where you can NOT return to a Roleplay:

  • If the scene is still active and ongoing (eg. A Compound Raid, if org members or police officers go down, they must remain out of the raid until it is over)

  • If a pursuit or fight has moved away from the area, you were downed but is still on-going from the time you were downed you cannot return.

  • If an Activity or Job has turned hostile and transitioned into a different scene (eg. A bank robbery turns into a shoot-out but then moves to a pursuit anyone downed at the original robbery should not join the pursuit.

😵‍💫 Knocked Out

Being knocked out is not the same as being downed. For the purpose of the rules you do not need to forget or be locked out from Roleplay areas.

Last updated