Criminal World Structure

The criminal world in NewSpark Roleplay is organized into a hierarchical structure, ensuring complexity and depth within the game's role-playing environment. Here's a breakdown of this structure from the bottom up:

  • Unaffiliated Criminals: These are individuals who operate alone, not tied to any group or organization. They might be petty thieves, freelance hackers, or solo drug dealers looking to make a name for themselves.

  • Crews: When unaffiliated criminals start working together towards a common goal, they form crews. Crews are typically small, tight-knit groups that specialize in specific types of criminal activity, such as bank robberies or car theft.

  • Factions: As crews grow in size and ambition, they may evolve into factions. Factions are larger, more organized groups with a clear hierarchy and defined roles for members. They might control certain territories and have ongoing conflicts or alliances with other factions.

  • Organisations: At the top of the criminal world are organizations. These are large, highly structured, and powerful entities that have a significant influence over the criminal underworld. They could be major drug cartels, mafia families, or multinational criminal syndicates. Organizations have the resources and manpower to orchestrate large-scale operations and maintain control over vast criminal empires.

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