Disclaimers and Explanations

Streaming Terms of Service

NSRP cannot be held responsible for you complying with any TOS of any streaming or hosting service you use.

Replacement of items lost.

NSRP will not replace any items lost in game due to theft, server restarts or other issues. There is a new player FAQ on the forums that gives you some good tips on how to prevent the loss of your items. You will also find some helpful key binds for this in your F3 menu in game under key binds.

Admin means admin.

Anywhere above where it says you need admin approval means you need admin approval. Not Moderator, Dev or Cat team members. Please ensure you are going to the right team or any approval you may gain may not be valid.

Outside Discords, Forums, etc

Any NSRP related forums, discords or other similar system may be required to have a NSRP staff team member in it with access to all channels. This typically includes org discords or discords where the reason they were created relates to NSRP as a whole. This is to ensure that server rules are be followed in any associated systems.


NSRP has a staff team, any attempts to "police" the server yourself, create drama, call people out for rule breaks via the discord, ooc etc. Will see you punished under rules 1 and 5. As stated in rule 5 there are only two ways to report misconduct. Drama directors are not wanted on NSRP, this is a gaming community not a school yard. Come to play the game, share ideas and then leave the politics, drama, name calling etc at the door.

Last updated